Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage in Dubai

At Nova Massage Spa, we offer the Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, renowned for its comprehensive effects that encompass not only the physical realm but also extend to emotional and spiritual dimensions.

Lomi Lomi Massage serves as a gentle means to liberate oneself from distressing memories and traumatic experiences, redirecting focus towards the present moment and fostering a connection with reality.

Through this Hawaiian technique, a surge of positive energy is released, facilitating the rekindling of joy, zest for life, and nurturing a profound appreciation and affection for the world around you.

Lomi Lomi massage is often associated with magical attributes, capable of weaving your aspirations into reality. Over the course of an hour, profound relaxation paves the way for the inscription of a new life narrative within your subconscious. This form of massage is particularly recommended during challenging life circumstances, as the ability to transform one’s life and surmount obstacles is inherently rooted within us, and finds release within the depths of deep relaxation.

How does a Lomi Lomi massage session work?

1. Your mindset during the session plays a pivotal role in determining the massage’s effectiveness. Whisper to yourself: “Today is my personal holiday, and the universe is here for me!”

2. Dwell upon something significant in your life – a cherished aspiration or impending transformation. Maintain this intention throughout the entire massage duration.

3. Should you have sought the expertise of a true practitioner, one versed in the teachings of Hawaiian masters, a pre-massage interaction will unfold. This ceremonial encounter encompasses an extended tea session intertwined with an intimate conversation.

4. The massage experience spans approximately an hour and a half, encompassing your entire body with the exception of intimate areas.

5. The Hawaiian technique predominantly employs the forearm, harmoniously synchronized to the rhythm of a Hawaiian melody. The practitioner’s motions are fluid, gentle, seamlessly akin to a graceful dance.

6. The massage initiation commences with the frontal plane of your body, followed by addressing the back.

7. During the session, relinquish control and relinquish thoughts of bodily imperfections. Instead, entrust the masseur and focus solely on the positive – this program shall embed within your subconscious.

8. Post-massage, the practitioner will invite you to recline quietly, allowing the state of bliss to linger.

9. Once home, hydrate with plain, non-carbonated water, breathe deeply, indulge in soothing melodies, and luxuriate in a relaxing (but not overly hot) bath. Strive to shield yourself from the frenetic pace of daily life for as long as possible.

10. Lomi Lomi massage can be sought at any juncture, in response to your individual need.

11. For therapeutic aims, a series of 5 or 10 sessions, spaced every two or three days, is recommended.

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