Four Hands Massage in Dubai

Envision the artful manifestation of two accomplished massage therapists from our spa, gracefully choreographing their every movement upon your body. A symphony of expertise, their practiced hands converge to administer a four-hands massage technique, fusing Relaxing, Aroma, Deep Tissue, and Swedish massages. This orchestrated ballet of synchronized and meticulous gestures envelops you in a delightful symphony of serenity, inducing profound relaxation and unparalleled comfort.

What do you need to know about the procedure?

Prior to the procedure, adhering to the subsequent guidelines is advised:

1. Refrain from eating within 2 hours before the session.
2. Avoid alcohol and narcotic substances for 24 hours preceding the massage.
3. A warm shower prior to the massage intensifies its impact on organs and tissues.

Distinctive to this Dubai massage is the absence of forceful or abrupt motions. The masseurs’ hands glide smoothly over your back and body, inducing a restful and soothing effect. These gentle, gliding movements and minimal contact techniques ensure your comfort throughout the massage.

The 4-hand massage may encompass the entire body or specific regions, systematically restoring blood pressure to normal levels, alleviating stress, inducing relaxation, and mitigating headaches.


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