Deep Tissue Massage

In the context of a deep tissue massage, the practitioner is capable of targeting muscle groups that might remain untouched during traditional classical massage techniques. Masseurs employ a distinct approach rooted in Swedish massage, characterized by heightened pressure demanding greater exertion compared to a conventional relaxation massage.

Therapeutic effect of the deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage serves various purposes, such as:

1. Preventing varicose veins by enhancing venous outflow and accelerating blood circulation.
2. Eliminating excess fluid from soft tissues and reducing edema.
3. Restoring muscle functionality to a normal state.
4. Promoting healthy skin appearance.
5. Inducing muscle relaxation.
6. Releasing tension within deep tissues.
7. Speedily diminishing lactic acid concentration in muscles after intense athletic training.

This comprehensive body massage necessitates considerable effort from the therapist. Employing one hand held vertically, pressure is applied, while the other hand may provide supportive assistance. Forearm strokes are commonly used on larger back muscles, while fist strokes are effective for densely compacted areas and musculoskeletal conditions.

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